2024 Monkstone Open Triples

The 2024 edition of the Monkstone Open Triples was held at the Club on Sunday 7 July 2024. 16 Teams entered and the format of the competition was 4 pools of 4 in the morning with the top 8 competing in the Gold knock-out stage in the afternoon whilst the bottom 8 went into the Silver knock-out.

The entries were:

Teams drew for “ranking” which determined which pool they were in. After completion of the morning session the rankings for the afternoon knockouts were:

Gold Competition

The results of the Gold Competition were (only the name of the team captain is shown):

It was good to see newcomer Samuel Bigot and his team, Real Socialdads, not only get into the Gold Competition but than fighting their through to the final where they met a very strong team in Three Twyns. Well done to all the Monkstone teams that qualified for the Gold.

Silver Competition

The results of the Silver Competition were (only the name of the team captain is shown):

Well done to the Monkstone team , Plesiosaurs, for taking the Silver competition but special mention should go to the defeated finalists, Boule-dozers who had one of our Juniors, Maddie Bartlett, in their ranks. We are already beginning to see the fruits of our Junior coaching sessions on Sunday mornings

Photo Gallery

Organiser, Bernard Adshead presents the prizes to the winners and runner-up.

Gold Winners – Three Twyns Gold Runners-up – Real Socialdads


Silver Winners – Plesiosaurs Silver Runners-up – Boule-dozers


Apr/May/Jun 100 Club Draw

Following are the results of the last 3 draws which, due to an oversight and incapacity, have not been published

April draw:

1 Gill Clark £93.00
2 Roger “Ben” Bennett £31.00
3 Geoffrey Keast £15.50

May draw:

1 Frances Ralph £91.50
2 Gill Clark £30.50
3 Margaret Dyer £15.25

June draw:

1 Gill Greenwell £93.00
2 Spencer Bartlett £31.00
3 Bernard Adshead £15.50

The 100 Club currently has a total of 62 members making the monthly prize pot £139.50, which is still the highest number we have had. In addition there is a bonus draw in December for a prize of around £150 (depending on the number of members). If you are not a member please consider joining.  The more people that join the bigger the prizes and the more improvements we can make to YOUR Club.

Congratulations to the winners but don’t forget:


Contact Bernard on treasurer [at] monkstonepetanque [dot] org [dot] uk  or speak to him at the Club if you would like to join or for more details.

Wilton Bridge Friendly

Monkstone PC today ventured into England to play the second leg of a friendly competition between our club and Wilton Bridge PC, Ross-on-Wye, Monkstone having won the first encounter 5 games to 2. The setting for the encounter was picture perfect as Wilton Bridge is situated in a leafy quarter of this pretty Herefordshire market town.

Round 1 consisted of four games of Triples on pistes that were flat and thinly gravelled. At the end,  honours were even at 2-2, although Monkstone had a points advantage of 45-38.
After a tasty lunch provided by our hosts, we played a round of six Doubles and it was clear that Wilton Bridge were up for the fight. With just one game to finish, the scores were 3-2 to Monkstone, but our last pair, Roger and
Roger & Vickie dig in on the penultimate end of the crucial final game
Vickie, were 12-11 down with Wilton Bridge on the verge of  win and an honourable 5-5 draw on the cards. Wilton Bridge failed to take their chance and Vickie was able to point in for 2 to secure the match 6-4 (115-89).
After the match Monkstone captain, Roger, presented Wilton Bridge captain, Phil Lear, with a Monkstone PC pennant.
A fantastic day of boules, with (believe it or not) the sun actually shining for once! More importantly our two clubs have agreed to make our friendly an annual event as is our annual match with Royal Wootton Bassett PC which comes up next month.
The Monkstone team was Ash, Bernard, Beryl, Frances, Ian Campbell, Ian McC, Keith Thomas, Peter Donovan, Phil Roberts, Robin, Roger and Vickie.
Both teams gather for a group photo

2024 Monkstone Open Doubles

Yesterday, Sunday 7 April, saw the biggest competition ever held at Monkstone Petanque Club – 68 boulers took part in the Open Doubles with all 16 lanes in use simultaneously for the first time.

The rain promised for most of the day did not arrive until around 4pm much to the relief of everybody. We even had small glimpses of the sun.

The competition format in the morning was 32 teams divided into 8 pools of 4 for a round-robin. After lunch, the top of each group went into the Gold elimination competition, second in each group to Silver, third to Bronze and fourth to Tin.

The competition was fierce but friendly and whilst there were some expected winners there were others that came through to take a prize in their section of the competition. Special mention should be made of 9 year old Jack Harris who, partnering his father Richard, won the Bronze competition.

Monkstone Petanque Club wishes thank all those supported the club by entering the competition and made it a truly memorable event.

Play in Full Swing


The Full Results

The morning Pool Stage final rankings

GOLD Elimination Group

SILVER Elimination Group

BRONZE Elimination Group

TIN Elimination Group

The Winners & Runners Up

Mike Jones, Monkstone President, presented the prizes to the Winners & Runners up (except for the Tin Competition where, for obvious reasons, the Organiser had to step in!)

                WINNERS                                                    RUNNERS UP

Tin Competition

     Phil Roberts & Mike Jones                                  Linda & Alan Thomas











Bronze Competition

       Richard & Jack Harris                                Sue Foster & Gail Brooksbank











Silver Competition

     Roger Green & Alex Skibinski                  Didier Mack & Daniel Rawling











Gold Competition

     Sean Smith & Ian Bailey                            Jake Caston & Stewart Spencer











……………….. and Finally

The Organiser at work

Junior Section Up & Bouling

It’s been talked about for months and yesterday it finally arrived – Monkstone Petanque Club held its first Junior Section coaching session!! 11 young people attended the session – 6 club members and 5 other friends of, or children/grandchildren of, club members.

Introductions being over it was down to the serious business. Tony Smith, the Club Coach, ably assisted by Ash Seath, Roger Green and Melys Phinnemore. put the participants through a number of coaching exercises focusing mainly on pointing but with some shooting as well as the basic concepts of how to throw a boule etc etc.

The participants seemed to enjoy activities such as trying to throw a boule into a tyre, trying as a team to knock boules out of a ring before the other team or trying to knock out a row of boules before the other team – all of them designed to teach skills as well as being fun.

The session continued after a break for squash & biscuits and ended with two  games of triples between the participants.

A big thank-you to Tony, Ash, Roger & Melys and for their hard work and to the other club members who turned up to help or to lend support and we look forward to the next session which is planned to be within the next 2 or 3 weeks.

Monkstone Petanque Club wishes to thank Sports Wales and Magic Little Grants (People’s Postcode Lottery) for their continued support which has enabled the club to start this new exciting venture.


Our potential future champions!